Let's Talk Custom Shirts: Pre-Order vs. Bulk Upfront

Let's Talk Custom Shirts: Pre-Order vs. Bulk Upfront

Hey there comrades! Considering diving into the world of custom shirts? Well, you're in the right place. At Frank and Ruby, we're all about making your custom shirt journey as smooth as your favorite tee. Let's sit down for a virtual coffee and chat about the two main routes: pre-order sales and upfront bulk ordering.

Pre-Order Sales: Dipping Your Toes In


  • Test the Waters: Ever tried throwing spaghetti on the wall to see if it sticks? Well, pre-order sales are kind of like that, minus the mess. You get to gauge interest in your designs without splurging on a ton of shirts upfront.
  • Lower Risk, Higher Reward: With pre-orders, you're not staring down a warehouse full of shirts waiting for a home. Lower financial risk means higher potential profits. It's a win-win if your designs strike a chord.
  • Build Hype and Exclusivity: Think of it like hosting a VIP party. Pre-orders build anticipation and make your customers feel like insiders. Limited editions or exclusive designs can turn your shirts into the talk of the town.


  • Patience is a Virtue: Fulfilling pre-orders takes time. Your customers might need to twiddle their thumbs a bit before getting their hands on your fantastic shirts.
  • Minimum Order Limits: Some printing partners might have minimum order requirements per design, potentially limiting your freedom to throw in a variety of designs for your customers to choose from.

Upfront Bulk Ordering: Going All In


  • Cost Per Unit Savings: Buying in bulk is like shopping at Costco. The more you buy, the less you pay per unit. It's a cost-effective approach that leaves more dollars in your pocket.
  • Ready to Roll: No waiting around. With bulk ordering, your shirts are ready to roll. Perfect for those last-minute events or when you want to strike while the iron's hot.
  • Variety Galore: Bulk ordering gives you the freedom to go wild with designs. Want a rainbow of colors and a mix of sizes? No problem. It's your show, and we're here to make it happen.


  • Overstock Woes: Bulk orders mean predicting the future. If a design doesn't fly off the shelves, you might find yourself in a bit of a shirt surplus situation.
  • Tied-Up Funds: Buying in bulk ties up your cash. If your budget is doing the limbo, this might cramp your style for other ventures or marketing moves.

Next Steps with Frank and Ruby

So, what's it gonna be? A pre-order party or diving straight into the bulk order pool? Whatever your vibe, we're here to make it happen. At Frank and Ruby, we're not just screen printers; we're your partners in shirt crime. Let's chat, plan, and turn your custom shirt dreams into reality. Drop us a message, and let the shirt adventures begin!

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